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We are excited to announce the opening of our request for proposal process by which you can submit a topic you might like to present for the PI Summit 2024 on May 20 - 23. The summit will be held at the Ann Arbor Marriott at Eagle Crest in Ypsilanti, MI.  

Please contact Beth Gibson [email protected] if you have questions or need help submitting your proposal. 

To submit a topic proposal, click here and complete the required information by January 7, 2024, at 11:59 pm EDT:

Proposals should designed be for:

  • 35-40 minute sessions allowing for presenting original work or informatics education
  • Typically done as PowerPoint lectures
  • Other formats and/or educational modalities are acceptable and encouraged
  • The learning approach should be described in the proposal
  • Topics will only be accepted for those with paid, current API memberships

 General Timeline:
10/23/23 - Request for Proposals sent out to API membership through listserv
1/7/24 - Submission due date
1/11/24 - Review process for proposal requests by RFP review team
Week of 2/12/24 - Notification sent to submitters

A list of topics of interest to the conference planning committee and the API membership at large is below.
This is provided to stimulate your ideas, and is not meant to be exclusive. 

Suggested Topic Themes of Interest

Digital Pathology/Whole Slide Imaging

AI & Machine Learning

Fee Coding, Finance, and Reimbursement

Laboratory Medicine Informatics

Clinical Informatics

Computer Vision

Cloud Computing

Regulatory Issues & Government Oversight

Molecular Pathology

Outreach Informatics

Operations and Workflow Optimization

Big Data

Informatics Training and Education 

Precision Medicine & Theragnostics

Public Health Informatics

Laboratory Information Systems (LIS)

Analytics & Business Intelligence Solutions

Healthcare Data Interoperability

Point of Care Testing Informatics, home health & consumerism

Research Informatics

Electronic Health Record (EHR)

Data Lakes, warehouses, and marts Standards and Informatics

Value-based Care and Lab 2.0

Future of Pathology and Lab Medicine Informatics

Bioinformatics of Circulating Tumor cells

Logistics / geospatial tracking and Specimen transport issues

Essential Diagnostics List and its data Representational Model

Database Normalization and Denormalization Topics

Cloud-based and GPU-based computing topics

API is committed to diversity and inclusion and the API Council and the PI Summit Planning Committee invite individuals across all races, genders, ages, religions, ethnicities, and identity groups to submit their topic proposals for consideration for inclusion in the 2024 Pathology Informatics meeting program. We also highly encourage trainees and junior faculty at the beginning of their careers to submit proposals for both the main plenaries for which we are currently accepting submissions and also for the poster and abstract submissions, which will open later this year. Inclusion and diversity will remain a top priority for the PI Summit Planning Committee and the PI Summit Topic Proposal Committee as they assess all submitted proposals for the 2024 and future meetings.