Meetup Mondays
(f/k/a "Mentoring Mondays")

API sets aside the second-Monday of every month to encourage new chances for learning and sharing amongst individuals interested in pathology informatics. Originally organized under the title "Mentoring Mondays," a virtual event which offered trainees an opportunity to meet practitioners in the field and hear about their career, research experiences, and advice, interest in more avenues for educational, training, and content insights has grown. "Meetup Mondays" thus marks a new chapter in API's casual educational events to include "Mentoring Mondays," "Fireside Chats" and API's newest event, "Journal Club."

This series is dedicated to Dr. John Gilbertson, a champion for training and education for rising pathology informaticists.

This year's format alternates between "Mentoring Mondays", "Fireside Chats", and "Journal Club" Events
Every Second Monday of Every Month, 6:00-7:00 pm ET

"Mentoring Mondays": Interviews with mentors begin with a 10-minute “lightning round” of questions regarding how they began their career, what a typical day looks like, current projects and research interests, and how pathology informatics informs their view of the health world.

"Fireside Chats": Topics vary and provide practical presentations on topics related to pathology informatics.

"Journal Club": Article authors and moderators will provide an in-depth presentation of an article of interest in the field of pathology informatics with discussion/participation from the audience. 

These sessions are free to register!

Journal Club January 13, 2025
6:00-7:00 pm ET

"A multimodal generative AI copilot for human pathology"

Featuring co-Author, Dr. Drew Williamson and hosted by Dr. Jenny Weon

  Fireside Chat February 10, 2025
6:00-7:00 pm ET

"Pathology Informatics Career Training Experience - Three Perspectives: Learn why our speakers chose their respective training paths, what they learned on the job market, and how prepared they felt for their informatics roles.

Dr. Dr. Alaa AlsadiDr. Rand Abou Shaar, and Dr. Yonah Ziemba.

Mentoring Mondays March 10, 2025
6:00-7:00 pm ET

"Inside Scoop: Developing Your Career at Any Stage"

Jocelyn Clarke, Assistant Vice President
Executive Search Services
Kirby Bates Associates

CLICK HERE for past Monday events.