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API Digital Platforms - Code of Conduct

By accessing and using this website and its related platforms, including but not limited to the Jobs Board, and  Learning Management System, you agree to the following Code of Conduct:

Maintain dialogue that is relevant and respectful of the rights of others and consistent with the API’s mission to support Diversity, Equity and Inclusion values and principles on related digital platforms, while upholding the codes of professional conduct of the medical community.

The API listserv is a benefit for API members to discuss a variety of topics included but not limited to challenges that members are facing with regard to implementation, integration/adoption of equipment and software as well important hot topics in the field. All job posts must go through the proper channels and be posted on the API job board at,  The API listserv is not for use to solicit business nor to promote commercial products or interests and those who do so may have their post removed or their API membership revoked. 

The API is not responsible for the opinions or claims of other users posted to our digital channels and we do not typically confirm the accuracy of postings. User-generated content, such as comments or posts, represent the views of those providing the content, and do not necessarily represent the views or policy of the API. References or links (provided by the API or by a user) to products or services do not constitute endorsements by the API.

API does not have the obligation to monitor User-Generated Content, but reserves the right to do so. Content that is posted in violation of this policy may be blocked or removed in the API’s sole discretion. Violations of this Code of Conduct may cause your access to this site or ability to post content to be suspended or terminated.