API Distinguished Service Award 2022

2022 API Distinguished Service Award
Bruce Friedman

"To list all of Dr. Friedman's efforts in service to the API would be near impossible. Before the API existed, he was already an avid and tireless promotor of informatics as a subspecialty of pathology. To this end, he was instrumental in the founding of the API in 2000. He served in a number of key positions in API, including as president for 3 years from 2002 to 2005. Some even credit Bruce with having named the field of pathology informatics in an article published in the American Journal of Clinical Pathology in 1990. Today, though, we would like to specifically commend him for his contributions to pathology informatics meetings.

It is undeniable that Bruce has played an integral role in establishing the key meetings that have focused on education, training, and dissemination of research and innovative technology. These meetings have also been instrumental in creating partnerships between vendors and customers, so that they could drive forward the product innovation that is the essential substrate of our vocation. 

Bruce Automated Information Management in the Clinical Laboratory (AIMCL) which was held in Ann Arbor for 21 years (around 2003). Bruce established and ran the Lab InfoTech Summit meeting, and was responsible for merging it with the APIII meeting. This merger created the Pathology Informatics Summit in 2010, with Bruce playing a key organizational role in the Summit in many subsequent years. In addition to helping to launch API's flagship meeting, he also established the API-Sunquest Webinar series. Finally, Bruce helped to develop the Digital Pathology and AI Workshop (DPAI) in 2017.

API cannot thank Dr. Friedman enough for all he has done and continues to do for the Society." - Toby Cornish, MD, PhD - API President's PI Summit Address 2022