In Memoriam
Jim Bacho (1965 - 2016)

Jim Bacho (1965-2016) will be remembered by all those who knew him in the field of Pathology Informatics as a singularly driven innovator and champion of both automation and patient safety solutions. Prior to General Data’s entry into the anatomic pathology instrumentation space, barcoding of slides and tissue blocks was very uncommon, and those few labeling solutions available were unreliable and expensive to operate. As a result of Jim’s seminal work with General Data, an entire field of labeling solutions from many vendors has emerged, with Anatomic Pathology as a field now greatly benefitting, as a result. The Association of Pathology Informatics and the Organizing Committee of the PI Summit series would like to recognize Jim’s substantial contributions to our field, and similarly, offer its deepest condolences to his family and many friends, in light of his untimely passing.